Top 5 Places to Visit in Cairo

Top 5 Places to Visit in Cairo

Cairo attracts countless numbers of travel, history, and art lovers every year to enjoy its incomparable landmarks from the last remaining wonder of the ancient world, the great pyramid of Giza to all the Coptic and Islamic attractions besides the beautiful nightlife they can enjoy there with the most generous people ever.
Those who looking to dive into Egypt’s history and experience the culture first-hand sure will want to visit such an adorable city, and here are the top 5 places to visit in Cairo that sure to make your holiday unforgettable one.

Giza Pyramids

Top 5 Places to Visit in Cairo

The great pyramids of Giza, of course, should be on top of every traveler list, the mystery of these structures had fascinated travelers, conquers, and kings through history.
Sure there’s a reason why they are one of the seven wonders of the world, you just wanna go there to know how great were the ancient Egyptians and how perfection those buildings are, and of course to witness the spectacular Egyptian guard the Great Sphinx, this mythical creature with the head of a human and the body of a lion.

The Egyptian Museum

Top 5 Places to Visit in Cairo

If you loved your visit to Pyramids of Giza you definitely will love the Egyptian Museum as there you really feel as the history comes alive in front of your eyes while exploring more than 120,000 of the Egyptian artifacts from deferent eras from the Old Kingdom to the Roman period.
And when you go don't miss the treasures of the ancient pharaoh Tutankhamun, the wooden statue, made from Sycamore Ka-Aper Statue, and the Mummy Rooms that contains mummies of the greatest rulers ever ruled Egypt.

Khan El Khalili

Top 5 Places to Visit in Cairo

In old Cairo lies Khan El Khalili Bazaar which is the world's greatest shopping experiences where you can buy statuettes, spices, souvenirs, silver jewelry, t-shirts, or anything for that matter.
While visiting such an amazing place don't miss to stay at Al Fishawiy coffee shop where syrupy Arabic coffee and sweet tea are dished out to tourists and local merchants alike.

Cairo Citadel

Top 5 Places to Visit in Cairo

When in Cairo, it is basically impossible to miss Cairo's citadel that was built by Saladin in 1176 and home to the impressive Gawhara Palace, named after Gawhara Hanem, the wife of Mohamed Ali Basha, it also contains Mohamed Ali mosque also known as the alabaster mosque, one of the most stunning and most important mosques in the Islamic world.

Al-Azhar Mosque

Top 5 Places to Visit in Cairo

Al Azhar is one of Cairo’s earlier mosques, founded in AD 970 as the centerpiece of the newly created Fatimid city.
The sheik of Al Azhar is considered the highest theological authority for Egyptian Muslims, the building is a harmonious blend of architectural styles, the result of numerous enlargements over more than 1000 years. The tomb chamber, located through a doorway on the left just inside the entrance, has a beautiful mihrab (a niche indicating the direction of Mecca) and should not be missed during your visit in Cairo.

And that was our article about the top 5 Places to Visit in Cairo, and if you had been there just let us know what is your favorite place there.

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